"You don't have to be a star to tell a story"


The Soulation Series has 3 audiobooks with 3 Quantum Keys introduced in each book.
The quantum keys of each book are specific to your Soul Quest
Audiobook 1: Soul Path
Audiobook 2: Soul Purpose
Audioook 3: Soul Mission

Audiobook 1:
The Divine Quest
In this audiobook you will learn:
The Quantum Keys of Self-Mastery: The First Three Keys
The Soul Quest - The Keys for the Soul Path
Practices for meditation, breathwork, stillness, and mindfulness to be used with our companion music albums
Unlearn to relearn who you are as a Soul
Balancing of the masculine and feminine energies
Self-heal using the corresponding chakras to each key
Consciousness Expansion & Intuition Development

The Soulation Series Chakra Programs are the "Program Bridges" to "bridge" through the books as study materials, meta-tations, prompts, and transformation journals.
Program 1: The Chakra System Reboot is to be used between and with Book 1 and 2.
Program 2: The Chakra System Rebirth is to be used between and with Books 2 and 3. They are to be used as a "practical application" of what you learning and apply it to your life.
Chakra Program 1:
Chakra System Reboot
In this audiobook you will learn:
What your chakra energy system is
What are chakra storage spheres
How the chakras drive your reality
How to clear, reprogram, and balance your chakras using the music album companion, "Metamorphosis"
To use the Chakra cheat sheet for self-awareness
The chakra programming responsibilities
The chakra colors and their corresponding affirmations
To use the clearing and reprogramming prompts
The corresponding five elements and how they are related to each chakra
The non-traditional ways of how your chakras work in humanity's ascension, New Earth, and Golden Age Era.
Downloadable Transformation Journal included for tracking the progress of your self-transformation

The Chakra Programs are designed to be used alongside your Soulation audiobook listening or reading. This enhances your inner-standing of how the Quantum Keys correlate to your chakras.
The programs are meant to be used repeatedly and as needed throughout your Soul Quest.

Meditation Companion Album:
For Chakra System Reboot
The Dark Triad :
Track 1: The Rooted Lighthouse
Track 2: Child of The Golden Light
Track 3: Unraveling the Spheres
Track 4: Soul Purge
Track 5: Descension
Zero-Point Activation:
Track 11: Inner Sanctum
Track 12: Sacred Union
Track 13: The Sacred Chamber
Track 14: Angelic Avatar
Track 15: Transcension
The Light Triad:
Track 6: Seat of the Soul
Track 7: Child of the Silver Light
Track 8: Royal Blue Flame
Track 9: Mind Alchemy
Track 10: Ascension
To learn about the Chakra System Reboot,
just tap the PLAY button below!
Access our audiobooks and music on all devices

Our Future:
Publish Your Story
Coming in 2024
Whether it's your personal memoirs or that dark fantasy thriller draft you have laying on your desk, we can show you how to bring your creative stories to life.
Let us inspire your story with music and reels for that added touch.
Everyone has a story to tell, we want to assist you in getting yours told one page and chapter at a time!