Weekly Memoir Post
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Chapter Excerpt: The Echoing of Pain
It is believed that no one is free of pain. This is untrue and what we are led to believe. Yes, we as humans can encounter painful experiences, but our responses to healing from them are what decide to keep recreating the pain or heal it. This is because of the Shadow Self.
The Shadow Self is a double-edged sword. Either the Shadow Self can be used as an asset for self-healing our mind battle, or the Shadow Self will be used against us and destroy the mind.
What will you choose?
The unobserved mind will run one’s life. That is why self-awareness is a level of Self-Mastery, an alchemical harnessing of our mind.
My pain body and subconscious ego worked together against me. That stored energy as trauma and memories continued to recreate daily pain that stemmed from my non-acceptance of my false Self. An unconscious resistance to what is. It’s a form of Self-judgment.
On an emotional level, it’s mind negativity fueling it.
The intensity of my pain was measured by the degree of my resistance to the present NOW moment. Why?
Because I keep identifying with my mind and my pain, not my state of Being.
The more I suffered from past trauma and memories of pain, the more comfortable my Shadow Self was.
I had to choose to honor and accept the NOW as is.
I had to choose to love myself now.
I had to choose to BE in the NOW, not just say it.
Escaping the cult of my mind, the mental prison, and Self-heal was my only way to achieve mind, body, and Soul liberation.
I had to choose to heal NOW once and for all.
My mind, and many collective human minds, are so tethered to time. This keeps one in a perpetual state of past and future mental purgatory: pain and fear.
This is when the obsession with "time" becomes threatening.
Yes, the mind and time are how we move through our world, but it was never intended to enslave us to take over our inner world, causing dysfunction, pain, and sorrow—a never-ending quest for more and more.
Listen to more of this chapter's narration with music coming this January 2025 to Tier 3.
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Great excerpt!
I love the perspective 🥰